The oldest four Mako children recently embarked on an exciting visit to Wharenui School as part of t...
In the Pepi Taonga room we value our little pepi and their whanau as unique individual and the cultu...
Read about all the activities that take place in our Koru Room and what skills the tamariki gain fro...
We got on the bus and visited our local library! The librarian, Rachel, read us some stories and we...
Campfires, sausage sizzles, scavenger hunts and hiking! We learnt all about the fun of camping and h...
In the Wheke room we love to get out in the sun in summer and keep cool with Korikori Wai (water pla...
At Beststart Kilmarnock, we value biculturalism and respect Te Tiriti O Waitangi. Matariki celebrati...
Turangawaewae - where we stand in our community
Lottie and Donna came to Kilmarnock at seven weeks of age
We were enjoying our bridge when Mari reminded us of the Billy Goat’s Gruff story
Our children often see teachers request resources that then arrive sometime later, so Frankie though...
Our first week of lunches has been a great success with lots of children trying new foods