At BestStart Mangorei Road everyday is an opportunity, an opportunity to learn, grow and develop. We...
We have been very blessed to have one of our parents come in with us and do some singing with us in...
We love to physically move our bodies and keep ourselves challenged at Mangorei Rd.
We have created a beautiful Pēpē area which enables our babies space to move and grow, without out...
Developing understanding of emotions, social skills and overall wellbeing in our children.
In the Taranaki space we have introduced a meditation time in correspondence with our group focus...
Each month, we collaborate with our families to learn more about their culture, language and identit...
Every Tuesday we take a small group of children to explore our community.
Our Taranaki Space preschool children have been working on a special project about animals so we we...
Our Kaitake room has been going on fortnightly excursions to Twinkle Toes music group to extend on t...
With the mission of 'making our world a better place' we went to Te Mete Park and did a rubbish hun...
Parents and the community share with us something of interest to our children and we study it to fin...