The centre recently hosted a celebration for Matariki, inviting whānau to participate in giving back...
Kia ora! Here at BestStart Te Heuheu Street Kindy we have an amazing team to support your tamariki,...
Our morning started with a buzz of excitement as a massive trailer pulled up and we were about to em...
We started the week with lots of storytelling and discussion about the history of how and why we ce...
Here at Te Heuheu Street Kindy children learn through activities such as communication, listening, t...
Kindy Kaitiaki A kaitiaki is a guardian, and the process and practices of protecting and looking aft...
Here at BestStart Te Heuheu Kindy we have an amazing team to support your tamariki, so get to know t...
The children have been having a fun, busy time
The Diwali Festival is a popular event which commemorates the spiritual victory of light over darkn...
Teaching our tamariki about recycling is an important part of reducing our carbon footprint on our e...
Activities like this here support our tamariki to become more competent using new materials like the...
During the month of July, we celebrated Matariki through a range of activities.